Hollister Secure Start Services Corner

Title: Customer Service AdvisorServing You Since: September 2018
You're walking down the street feeling great—what winter holiday song would be playing in the background? Without a doubt Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.
What is your favorite part of your work environment? All the chatter and liveliness in Secure Start. It's also great how everyone is so willing and ready to help each other. I also love the snacks at every turn (huge bonus!).
If you could give your parents any gift, what would it be? I would love to surprise them with a house down in Georgia with a lake view.

Title: Customer Service AdvisorServing You Since: September 2018
You're walking down the street feeling great—what winter holiday song would be playing in the background? I never get tired of Baby It's Cold Outside or The Christmas Song by Nat "King" Cole.
What is your favorite part of your work environment? Everyone's love of food throughout the office!!!
If you could give your parents any gift, what would it be? It would be awesome if I could pay off their home mortgage!

Title: Customer Service AdvisorServing You Since: September 2018
You're walking down the street feeling great—what winter holiday song would be playing in the background? It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas is number one!
What is your favorite part of your work environment? Definitely the work culture; everyone is extremely nice and very welcoming.
If you could give your parents any gift, what would it be? Financial freedom. They worked so hard to make sure my sister and I had everything we ever needed. And when we had kids, my mom quit her job to stay home and watch them. It would be nice to be able to give back to both mom and dad.
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