Ostomy United Goes the Extra Mile
The news is filled with inspiring stories of triathletes, but none is as inspirational as the story of Ostomy Uniteda whole team of triathletes with ostomies, their friends and supporters!
The team consists of those taking part as either triathletes or “Hooligans” (that cheer and support crew of Ostomy United). Members range in age from their teens to over 70 years old, and have participated in races from beginner triathlons to the Ironman 70.3-mile race.
Ostomy United was founded by Ted Vosk, a once homeless man who worked his way up to becoming a successful attorney in Seattle, while battling ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Within six months after an ileostomy he ran two half-marathons on back-to-back weekends for the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and got the idea for Ostomy United.
The team’s first official event was Washington’s Lake Meridian Triathlon in August 2015. Ostomy United won three medals that day, inspiring all in attendance and living up to the team’s motto,“There is nothing we can’t do!” Sponsor and donor support offsets costs of participation, with the remainder benefiting United Ostomy Associations of America and Youth Rally.
Secure Start services will be a Bronze sponsor of this year’s events. There are teams in Florida, Washington, Hawaii and Connecticut that travel throughout the country to compete in various triathlons. As part of their season this year, three teams will be competing in Half-Ironman triathlons (70-mile races) and two of those will be going on to compete in their very first full Ironman triathlons (140-mile races). Join a team today or show your support by visiting Ostomyunited.org.
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