What’s So Funny?
Wheelchair Soup
From Brenda’s latest book: Your Glasses Are On Top Of Your Head
For the last few years of my father’s life, he was restricted to a wheelchair. Throughout his life, he was always creative when it came to cooking, spicing up meats for the grill or throwing some interesting soup together in the stockpot. That didn’t change when he was bound to his wheelchair.
The only difference came when he cleaned out the refrigerator of the wilted veggies and some hunk of meat, the soup was always referred to now as wheelchair soup. After he peeled and cut everything, he’d add various spices into a big stockpot and, ultimately, it always tasted pretty good. One day I stopped over just as he was serving the “wheelchair soup.” We were chatting away when I looked at my soup spoon and found a rubber band.
“Look what I found in my soup, Dad,” I said, tilting my spoon forward so he could see the rubber band.
Without missing a beat, he said, “Well I didn’t know how many were coming over; I had to find a way to stretch out the soup!”
Brenda Elsagher is an international speaker, author and comedian. Her books include: If the Battle is Over, Why am I Still in Uniform?; I’d Like to Buy a Bowel Please!; Bedpan Banter; It’s in the Bag and Under the Covers; and Your Glasses Are on Top of Your Head.
Financial Disclosure: Brenda Elsagher received compensation from Hollister for her contribution to this eNewsletter.
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